Thought Leadership
Why Should You Diversify Globally?
With US stocks outperforming non-US stocks in recent years, some investors have again...
Building for the Next Generation
Trust Company’s purpose is to enrich the lives of those we serve. Our...
Charitable Giving in 2019
As individual taxpayers begin to plan their charitable gifts in 2019, below are...
Seeking Wisdom
Where do you turn for intellectual stimulation? For me, it starts with books...
Markets in 2018: A Preliminary Review
Given recent investor behavior, we wanted to provide a commentary on diversification, particularly...
If It Was Easy, Everyone Would Do It
Wouldn’t it be great if we were all in perfect shape and successful?...
Lasting Happiness
A slew of studies released in the past few years have shown that...
The Need for an Estate Plan
Years ago, the exemption against estate tax was only $600,000, and that forced...
A Lasting Legacy
At a Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting a few years ago, Warren Buffet was...